Early Childhood Education, Daycare & Child Care Staff in Québec, Quebec
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3 Quebec Early Childhood Educators Found
Jacqueline O
Québec, Quebec
Active over a week ago
From 20.00/hour
I am pragmatic, innovative and solution-oriented person with strong verbal and analytic skills.
A highly motivated Art Education student with proven research and practical expertise in Creative Arts Education and Fashion.
A highly motivated Art Education student with proven research and practical expertise in Creative Arts Education and Fashion.
Karla F
Québec, Quebec
Active over a week ago
From 14.50/hour
Soy del estado de Michoacán, en México, soy educadora titulada ofrezco una educación de calidad.
Busco estabilidad laboral, soy muy responsable en mi trabajo. Me gusta integrar dinámicas para favorecer la integración en los alumnos.
Busco estabilidad laboral, soy muy responsable en mi trabajo. Me gusta integrar dinámicas para favorecer la integración en los alumnos.
Smita J
Québec, Quebec
Active over a week ago
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Grade 1 Early years teacher
My name is Smita Jagdhane. I am a grade 1 teacher at Indus International School, Pune, India. I teach math, Unit of Inquiry and conduct lead...
My name is Smita Jagdhane. I am a grade 1 teacher at Indus International School, Pune, India. I teach math, Unit of Inquiry and conduct leadership classes. I have a 2 years experience in early years program.
My services are to-
• Plan the teaching and instruction strategy with my coordinator and my team.
• Conduct Assessment and evaluate student performance.
• Supervise cla...
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