Early Childhood Education, Daycare & Child Care Staff in Monroe, Louisiana
For over 10 years we’ve helped thousands of child care organizations find reliable educators and support staff.
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5 Monroe Early Childhood Educators Found
Lisa T
Monroe, Louisiana
Active over a week ago
From 10.00/hour
Recently started
I am a former nurse who retired early in life to raise my daughters. I have a medical background and have years of experience working with...
I am a former nurse who retired early in life to raise my daughters. I have a medical background and have years of experience working with children.
Nicole W
Monroe, Louisiana
Active over a week ago
From 10.00/hour
I am dependable, honest,friendly, and a hard worker.
I have 19years of experience working with children of all ages.I was a teacher assistant my position was help the teachers with daily activ...
I have 19years of experience working with children of all ages.I was a teacher assistant my position was help the teachers with daily activities and take the children to the bathroom. I work as a housekeeper keeping the facility clean.I have a Associate Degree in Child Development I have worked as a teacher providing lesson plan and helping young children learn.
Shelly B
Monroe, Louisiana
Active over a week ago
From 15.00/hour
Teacher, assistant Or tutor . For children
My name is Shelly. I love working with children and children with special needs. I. Am looking for a job working with children
My name is Shelly. I love working with children and children with special needs. I. Am looking for a job working with children
Aaron W
Monroe, Louisiana
Active over a week ago
Contact for rates
One way child-care
I come from a single parent home and we struggled.Trying to do things like feed,be able to show them that attention that they have been lack...
I come from a single parent home and we struggled.Trying to do things like feed,be able to show them that attention that they have been lacking, and award those that really try.Humble and very patient with kids. I have been helping raise kids since I was 10 years old I feel like it’s my calling.
Mavis J
Monroe, Louisiana
Active over a week ago
From 15.00/hour
A K4K5 teacher just trying to stay alive in this education game!
I'm seeking summer employment! I am a Kindergarten teacher in a private school. I won't be working this summer, so I am in need of a job.
I'm seeking summer employment! I am a Kindergarten teacher in a private school. I won't be working this summer, so I am in need of a job.
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