Early Childhood Education, Daycare & Child Care Staff in Pasadena, California
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2 Pasadena Early Childhood Educators Found
Lilly T
Pasadena, California
Active over a week ago
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Recently started
Native French Speaker Teacher Tutor Caregiver (Full Immersion)
I am a loving and nurturing French tutor with a dual citizenship who was raised and educated in France. Additionally, I have worked in Paris...
I am a loving and nurturing French tutor with a dual citizenship who was raised and educated in France. Additionally, I have worked in Paris for 10 years in the copyright department for EMI/Virgin Music Publishing and a year teaching in a French public elementary school. After I moved to California, I was blessed with over 10 children under my care and my French immersion inst...
First aid
Trevon B
Pasadena, California
Active over a week ago
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I work hard so you can rest easy!
I have been working with kids since I was a kid myself, which was 13. I am a fun person for the kids to be around but I also know how to dem...
I have been working with kids since I was a kid myself, which was 13. I am a fun person for the kids to be around but I also know how to demand the proper attention when the time comes for me to be taken seriously. I have worked with children of all ages and have training for both CPR and First Aid. Trust me when I say your child(ren) will be in great and trusted hands.
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