Early Childhood Education, Daycare & Child Care Staff in Chico, California
For over 10 years we’ve helped thousands of child care organizations find reliable educators and support staff.
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2 Chico Early Childhood Educators Found
Emily W
Chico, California
Active over a week ago
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Happy young teacher
I was a preschool teacher in Oregon for two years until I had a daughter as my own. I attended it program called careers with kids a Hands-O...
I was a preschool teacher in Oregon for two years until I had a daughter as my own. I attended it program called careers with kids a Hands-On child development class. I love watching and helping children learn
Kristi P
Chico, California
Active over a week ago
From 20.00/hour
Obsessed with cleaning...seriously!
I had my own cleaning buisness for 5 years with over 50 clients. I am meticulous and very dependable. Let me make your life easier today. I...
I had my own cleaning buisness for 5 years with over 50 clients. I am meticulous and very dependable. Let me make your life easier today. I also tudor k_8 in all subjects. Sincerely:Kristi Porteous
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