Early Childhood Education, Daycare & Child Care Staff in Woodland Hills, California
For over 10 years we’ve helped thousands of child care organizations find reliable educators and support staff.
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2 Woodland Hills Early Childhood Educators Found
Rosalyn S
Woodland Hills, California
Active over a week ago
From 28.00/hour
I am a very skilled, educated, Professional with a BS in Child Admin. and a MA in Therapy. I have raised 4 children of my own
ECE, teaching reading, writing, phonics, basic math, basic life skills like: manners, cooking, grooming, self awareness, spirituality, fa...
ECE, teaching reading, writing, phonics, basic math, basic life skills like: manners, cooking, grooming, self awareness, spirituality, family dynamics, Life coaching , conflict resolution, socialization, communication, and the importance of self acceptance.
Sarah n
Woodland Hills, California
Active over a week ago
From 20.00/hour
Sarah hard working and love kids
I like to work with babies and like to be near them and am patient with them loving ,careful and caring
I like to work with babies and like to be near them and am patient with them loving ,careful and caring
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