Early Childhood Education, Daycare & Child Care Staff in Tacoma, Washington
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2 Tacoma Early Childhood Educators Found
Champagne L
Tacoma, Washington
Active over a week ago
From 25.00/hour
Gentle teacher 👩🏫 giving care and guidance- helping children build their toolbox 🧰
tends to the educational, nutritional, emotional and social needs of a child under their care. Also supervises recreational activities, hel...
tends to the educational, nutritional, emotional and social needs of a child under their care. Also supervises recreational activities, helping children along in their development.
Jd M
Tacoma, Washington
Active over a week ago
From 14.50/hour
I'm 18 still going to school, my schedule is pretty flexible
Services I provide, well I clean extremely well, very social so most people enjoy my presence, don't mind doing extra work, need something m...
Services I provide, well I clean extremely well, very social so most people enjoy my presence, don't mind doing extra work, need something moved okay I'll do it, immigration can help out with schooling and motivating people , umm I can cook really good food. If you want more info on me text me I'll go into more personal info if you'd like.
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