Early Childhood Education, Daycare & Child Care Staff in Ruston, Louisiana
For over 10 years we’ve helped thousands of child care organizations find reliable educators and support staff.
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3 Ruston Early Childhood Educators Found
Anita P
Ruston, Louisiana
Active over a week ago
From 10.00/hour
Anita Pickett a retired elementary teacher
I would like to care for young children by providing a fun, creative safe and nurturing environment.
I would like to care for young children by providing a fun, creative safe and nurturing environment.
Mia D
Ruston, Louisiana
Active over a week ago
From 35.00/hour
Here to help
I provide babysitting / nannying while I can help with homework. I have a car and can transport as well.
I provide babysitting / nannying while I can help with homework. I have a car and can transport as well.
Jahmia H
Ruston, Louisiana
Active over a week ago
From 12.00/hour
My name Jahmia and I love working with and helping kids so, hopefully I can help you.
I provide care that a parent know they’re leaving their child in safe hand. I help with craftsmanship and educating kids on not just the imp...
I provide care that a parent know they’re leaving their child in safe hand. I help with craftsmanship and educating kids on not just the importance of school but I make learning fun for them
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