Early Childhood Education, Daycare & Child Care Staff in Ladysmith, British Columbia
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3 Ladysmith Early Childhood Educators Found
Niki S
Ladysmith, British Columbia
Active over a week ago
From 20.00/hour
Experienced ECE with I/T and S/N Licenses
I am hoping to find a team which will appreciate all that I have to offer a childcare setting. Experiential, child centred, hands on, explo...
I am hoping to find a team which will appreciate all that I have to offer a childcare setting. Experiential, child centred, hands on, exploratory, learning experiences that are inclusive and, most importantly, fun!
Kennedy H
Ladysmith, British Columbia
Active over a week ago
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Recently started
Dependable Assistant Teacher in Ladysmith
I have babysat/nannied for 10 years of my life. My expierence with them was awesome! I love watching all the children grow and develop. I\'v...
I have babysat/nannied for 10 years of my life. My expierence with them was awesome! I love watching all the children grow and develop. I\'ve also been able to watch up to 10 kids at a time. I used to work with Calgary Child\'s Play, a before/after school care, and we had over 60 kids at our site!
Ryder is a 7 year old boy that i babysat from the ages of 1-5. He has autisim and...
First aid
Pamela M
Ladysmith, British Columbia
Active over a week ago
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Recently started
Dependable Teacher in Ladysmith
Many nanny positions here in Ladysmith as well as the U.K.
very little experience with Autistic children, some experience with ADD and ADHD
Many nanny positions here in Ladysmith as well as the U.K.
very little experience with Autistic children, some experience with ADD and ADHD
First aid
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