Early Childhood Education, Daycare & Child Care Staff in Honolulu, Hawaii
For over 10 years we’ve helped thousands of child care organizations find reliable educators and support staff.
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2 Honolulu Early Childhood Educators Found
Nj A
Honolulu, Hawaii
Active over a week ago
From 15.00/hour
Retried "empty nester".
Looking for something that will bring children back into my life...with all their silliness and incredible energy.
Looking for something that will bring children back into my life...with all their silliness and incredible energy.
Tes C
Honolulu, Hawaii
Active over a week ago
Contact for rates
I have a certificate of professional development for nursing assistant
I have 18 years experience in taking care of child, from born to 12 years old in hongkong, I am confident of taking care of children, like h...
I have 18 years experience in taking care of child, from born to 12 years old in hongkong, I am confident of taking care of children, like helping , playing and feeding,
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