Early Childhood Education, Daycare & Child Care Staff in Cold Lake, Alberta
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5 Cold Lake Early Childhood Educators Found
Cold Lake, Alberta
Active over a week ago
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15 years exp.
Experienced Assistant
ECA with first aid, references and 10 year of experience in schools and preschools working with children with special needs.
ECA with first aid, references and 10 year of experience in schools and preschools working with children with special needs.
Karen P
Cold Lake, Alberta
Active over a week ago
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20 years exp.
Excellent Teacher in Cold Lake, AB
I have worked with children from many different age groups (from ages 0 to 17), from various different social, psychological and economic ba...
I have worked with children from many different age groups (from ages 0 to 17), from various different social, psychological and economic backgrounds. During my many years working with children I have worked in several settings, Community centres, Daycares, Private Schools and many others. I am an excellent communicator, I am punctual when it comes to meeting deadlines, I hav...
First aid
Tetiana S
Cold Lake, Alberta
Active over a week ago
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certified child care provider available in June
Good day,
I am writing to apply for the available job opening. I am looking for a permanent full - time position starting this summer:...
Good day,
I am writing to apply for the available job opening. I am looking for a permanent full - time position starting this summer: I will be moving to Toronto in June and can start working during that time.
I successfully completed ELCC Certificate Program (Early Learning and Child Care) and become a certified Child Development Worker (Alberta Level 2 Certificatio...
Danielle H
Cold Lake, Alberta
Active over a week ago
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Recently started
Excellent Assistant Teacher in Cold Lake
Since the 10th grade, I have volunteered in elementary schools every day for work experience. I knew I wanted to work with children and teac...
Since the 10th grade, I have volunteered in elementary schools every day for work experience. I knew I wanted to work with children and teach them in some way so it was great experience for me. I helped kids with reading and other areas they were struggling in and it was very rewarding to watch them succeed with that little extra help. I also helped the teachers with in class a...
First aid
Christy D
Cold Lake, Alberta
Active over a week ago
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Recently started
Responsible Assistant Teacher in Cold Lake
All of my previous work experience has been with children. I have worked with children for 8 years. I started out as an educational assist...
All of my previous work experience has been with children. I have worked with children for 8 years. I started out as an educational assistant, worked in a group home and for the last 5 years I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'ve been employed as the Early Childhood Development Coordinator for a Metis community.
As an educational assistant I have worked one on one with coded children. The chil...
First aid
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