Early Childhood Education, Daycare & Child Care Staff in Austin, Texas
For over 10 years we’ve helped thousands of child care organizations find reliable educators and support staff.
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4 Austin Early Childhood Educators Found
Sara B
Austin, Texas
Active over a week ago
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I'm a young and ambitious person looking for an opportunity to work in an early childhood education setting.
I am looking for team of educators that are as dedicated as I am to the developmental growth of children. I'm thorough but flexible; educati...
I am looking for team of educators that are as dedicated as I am to the developmental growth of children. I'm thorough but flexible; education is my passion. I love what I do and it's shown through my work ethic. I have many positive references due to the wide range to organizations that I've had the pleasure of working with. I look forward to the impact that I may be able to m...
Binish M
Austin, Texas
Active over a week ago
From 18.00/hour
I did my master's in commerce. I did my ecced I did my Montessori from AMI india
Dear Sir/Madam,
My purpose of writing is to get the opportunity to serve your institution as a teacher. I am fond of teaching since my coll...
Dear Sir/Madam,
My purpose of writing is to get the opportunity to serve your institution as a teacher. I am fond of teaching since my college and was teaching primary level students privately. I have good academic background and I intend to deliver it to students in efficient manner. Enclosure contains my resume. I hope to get a chance from your side.
Right now i am in USA on...
Stephany P
Austin, Texas
Active over a week ago
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Excellent Colombian nanny.
I am psychology student with 2 years of experience with children in USA. Excellent human being and loving person. Looking for a job as a na...
I am psychology student with 2 years of experience with children in USA. Excellent human being and loving person. Looking for a job as a nanny live-in caregiver for children.
Annette B
Austin, Texas
Active over a week ago
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Bilingual certified teacher with a Bachelor degree in Elementary Education
I am a very motivated candidate willing to fulfill and exceed duties that Austin Teacher' s or Assistant Teachers may require, helping achie...
I am a very motivated candidate willing to fulfill and exceed duties that Austin Teacher' s or Assistant Teachers may require, helping achieve their goals.
I am a Bilingual certified teacher with a Bachelor degree in Elementary Education who has gained work experience as a teacher working for the Department of Education in Puerto Rico. Consistently performing duties that are...
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